
John Bax about QuickLearn

John Bax is an international Trainer, Coach and Speaker on topics regarding personal-, team- and organizational development. He is the creator of the QuickLearn concept and the program manager of the QuickLearn workshops. This is what he thinks about QuickLearn:

QUICKLEARN is a concept which is based on one-day workshops that fully focus on developing one specific skill. I got acquainted with this one-day approach some years ago in the Netherlands, when I frequently attended one-day seminars on various management topics organized by one of the best, if not the best, companies at that time. Even now they are still top of the league in the Netherlands.

What I especially liked about the concept was the fact that in only one day I got many useful and down to earth insights presented by very engaged and skilled trainers in an inspiring and impactful way. At the end of the day, I felt a boost of energy and motivation to try and apply some of the learnings immediately. And I had this feeling with every seminar I attended in that format. A format that brought so much value for money in just one day!

I can still remember driving home after a delivering a one-day training for junior coaches on the skill of asking questions, when I got the idea of transferring the concept of one-day topic-based seminars into one-day workshops purely focusing on one specific skill. And I can also remember that when I arrived home, that I took a glass of wine, sat down at the kitchen table, and reflected on the training I had delivered. It was the very moment when the sudden awareness stroke me that asking questions is not only an important skill for coaches, but also for sales people, professionals and managers. In fact for any human being.

In all its simplicity this awareness was the last missing piece that led to what QuickLearn does now, delivering one-day workshops fully focused on one specific and essential skill for sales people, professionals and managers. Be it the skill of asking questions, handling objections, or influencing people.

And it is my dream and challenge that any participant to any QuickLearn workshop will leave the room at the end of the day, feeling the same boost of energy and motivation to apply the learnings immediatey the day after, or even that same evening.

It is John’s ambition to make QuickLearn become the number 1 brand for open and in-house 1-day-1-skill workshops in Romania before 2020.