Identify your natural qualities, cultivate and exploit them

3 online workshops
25th of September, 09th and 23rd of October 2024

Supporting people in discovering and building on their natural strengths.

Hi and welcome!

While you are reading this sentence, I assume that you wish to know more about our online program "Core Qualities for Professionals".

First of all, I dearly wish to thank you for your interest. I am John Bax, the main facilitator of the program. I am an optimist by nature and a passionate adept of positive psychology. And I strongly believe in paying more attention to cultivating strengths than on improving weaknesses.

If you participate in this online program, you will get to know, understand and be able to apply one of the most effective ways to support people in discovering and building on their natural strengths.

John Bax - trainer

John Bax, trainer

What are the topics?

25th of Sep
Session 1

the IT (the truth): what is the concept and which tool to use to make IT work? At the end of this session, you will know and understand the concept of Core Qualities and the tool of the Core Quadrant

09th of OCT
Session 2

the I (the beauty): which are my Core Qualities and how can I use them to the optimum for myself? At the end of this session, you will have applied your learnings on yourself, including a reflection on the extent and way in which you are using these qualities in your personal and professional life

23rd of Oct
Session 3

the WE (the good): how can I effectively use my Core Qualities in relation with others in a way that WE complete each other? At the end of this session, you will be able to detect Core Qualities in others that have the dual potential of completing and at the same time conflicting with yours, and how to guide the process of completion.

Why participate?


Participating in these three Core Quality workshops will bring you a totally different approach compared to the renowned personality- or behavioral tests. Maybe less efficient, because it takes more quality introspection and reflection. But for sure more effective, because the connection your client will feel with the outcome of the discovery process is much stronger. Both cognitively and emotively. Which increases the chance that your clients really do something with what they learned about themselves and in relation to others.

Last but not least, the concept of Core Qualities and the tool of the Core Quadrant® are being used in 14 countries by now, in the professional, educational and personal domain.

Price package

Fee per person




25% off first subscription




For any further details about the event, please contact us at any time by email or by phone at: +40 728 177 247.

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